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The Nail Art, Le French Manucure, Prosthetist nail on the market in vogue

It is well "has been" time of red or pink polish on ten fingers !

Today, more shame or stigma ! Our fingers and nails can dare all, all colors, all patterns !

Nevertheless, reflect our fingers, as much as our shoes or our haircut, who we are and how reliable that can give us.
Nail-biting, cuticle flowing, contours fouled, torn or puffy skin are clues to our interlocutor to assess well-being and confidence that we can bring. And this equally in Business, Love or discovery that in friendly.

Brief ! The nail is a valuable ambassador for our image.


A Short History of Nails in the twentieth century :

The nail polish has been around longer. The oldest are the Chinese to 3000 BC, but if you look good, the ladies of high society Cretan, Greek or Roman, crazy about beauty, used it and abused.
A France, He was long considered a mark of bad taste and only the courtesans and the daughters of poor life cheerfully colored their nails particularly long. During the year 1932, Joseph Charles Revson with the participation of the pharmacist Charles Lachman, founded the Revlon brand. Later, they will create the first lipstick and nail polish after, to coordinate the colors of nail with those lips of her clients.
In the years 1960, it is gradually gaining acclaim and moved in all society. But it is on the horizon for years 70, with the coming of television in every home he begins to take its place.
In 1975, an American, Jeff Pink, brand founder ORLY, introduit a France, the false nail, as the French Manicure. Artificial nails, as they were known at the time, were born of the need to give the nails of supermodels and actresses in their outfits during a fashion show or when shooting in Hollywood.
Until the year 80, one colored nail varnish with a solid color from red to pink, then the range of beige to purple-brown came on the market, followed in the years 90, the range of green, black, violets, etc. .... Today, All colors are allowed, the flashy, nails bicolor, each nail with color, brief, The cosmetics market has understood this and every company offers hundreds of colors in bottles or in small sets of colors granted.
Today, on the minimal part of our body, everything is permitted, especially since the advent of Nail Art. This is not the nail color, but to decorate, give it a unique look, even make it naughty or funny or solemn, the choice of its owner.

Nail Art or the art of dressing her nails !

The nail art is the art of decorating a finger nail so "artistic". It requires strong nails, very long and perfectly manicured. The fingernail is bleached and you can after French Manicure, as well ask a very specific reason, up with your outfit, than a subject you enjoy or practice : music, dance, or opt for the initials of your cause, short in this area everything is possible. It is rare that the nails are perfectly equal in length to the Nail Art, they be used as often in French Manicure for elongation prior to decoration. Most of the time, these are only the little finger and thumb, which are worked, but it is also possible to practice nail art on all of the hand as the photo-cons. Stickers floral motifs, others can be geometric or stikes. Bling may be affixed to transforming your nails gems, there are also real stones, diamond, ruby, amber or garnet that can be deposited and bonded before applying the top coat. Brief, everything is possible.


A Riec sur Belon, The ONGL'HARMONIE

offers its services at home within 40 kilometers around. Valerie Bregmestre, nail technician specializes in French Manicure and Nail Art Freehand, inclusion with rhinestones, de stickers. 1H count to perform a simple French manicure on all your nails beforehand prepared. Rather to 1:30 2H Nail Forms for creating prostheses with resin or gel, when the nails are too short. It will be faster with the laying of capsules or nails stuck.



The next article will cover the nails how to prepare the nails for a good French Manicure and Nail Art a success.

Article Source : – – Wikipedia




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