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Survey Results Fall 2010
Find the results of the first survey conducted in Autumn 2010 with the leaders of the sailing industry Breton.

This fall, a representative panel of more than 100 CEOs responded to the first survey of the economic observatory of the sailing industry in the region.

Synthesis :
Commercial point of view, the low point seems past, but is cautious optimism.
A caution which is motivated by the still visible scars of the last month, including the financial parameters of companies.
In the storm, business leaders have chosen to keep their crew, to be ready to make new races. <….read more ….>

Boating companies in the Land of Gauguin:

See artisans of the Boating

Port Manech, a story…


Mills sardines in water sports, there is not a !!!


The beach of Port-Manech is certainly the place most frequented area, with its wooden booths and holidaymakers staying in the many homes around.

Many maritime attractions ( sailboat rentals, pedal, kayaks), to take care during your stay.
The beach, you can admire the confluence of Aven and Belon or walk right on the beach in the small path leading to the port of Port Manech.

The port of Port Manech there was still some time, a major port of sardine, cabotage cider and carved stones.

The small harbor is as Kerdruc and Rozbras, its upstream neighbors on the Aven, first turned to the trade.
Its dock bordering Aven exporting the most popular area agricultural products such as cider and cut stones (specialty Névez). At the beginning of last century, the river was lined with careers, which employed hundreds of tailors. Now reflected in the Standing Stones that can be seen on the old houses in the town of Nevez, with walls made of large flat blocks and vertical. It was also in this first part of last century, a very industrial place with lots of canned sardines companies which employed a considerable number of workers and workers in the region.

The port then hosted a fleet of fifty ships and sardine boats that brought them each day fishing with sardines presses located near.
Initially, activity begins modestly with a simple wedge qu'utilisaient farmers to load the seaweed. But in the second half of the nineteenth, the government is moving towards the construction of a pier that was born in 1907. It is built with cut stones that are brought to Kerdruc coup barges and carts . Port Manec'h is thus protected from dangerous blades of the mouth.
In the years 1960, all this activity has been silenced, remains only the pleasure of farnientes on the beach where wooden booths are dreaming of the past century to another time.
Later, a huge parking lot was installed, deleting a portion of the main street leading to the harbor. Since that time, places have not changed much, only the fleet-walks and sailing replaced the fishing, finding a safe haven, just at the mouth of the Aven.

Losing its industrial appearance, this is all that Port Manech will focus on tourism and as of January 1970, Yacht Club Port Manech is created by Dr. Lecoutour. It aimed to encourage the development of boating under sail and motor….and promote the expansion of sports activities in the region. Thus was created a special regatta in Port Manech, the “Six o'clock”.
HARLE Francis was President until the second 1997. Le Yacht Club, of 1992 to 1997, merged with EOL to form the Water Sports Centre in Port Manech, existing nowadays and offering many water activities such as windsurfing, surfs, promenade a more, underwater fishing, gliding catamarans, water ski, the mouth ideally lend themselves to such exercises.

Both sides of the docks, escape paths to the coast, inviting to stroll and enjoy an unparalleled view towards Kerfany and Bélon one side and out to sea on the other.




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