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Violence against women Chrysalis

Chrysalis or the flight of a blue flower, fiction story of a woman struggling with domestic violence.

Book a strong, which reads in one ; The author combines reminiscences painful and violent abuses suffered by Helen and his journey to get out of this desperate situation.

En effet, point of escape and climbing endless violence and sadistic Machiavellian exerted on it, her husband, Marcel.

Helen is lucky she follows his inner voice; This is going to lead to another universe, another world, he climbed like a butterfly from its chrysalis.






For more information :

Six years of government commitment have helped to lift the taboo of intrafamily violence and

increase the number of reported violence :

  • In 2009, 650 000 Women 18 to 75 years reported having been victims of sexual violence in and out of the household,
  • 140 women have lost their lives at the hands of their partners or ex-partners (against 157 in 2008 et 170 in 2005).
  • The total cost of domestic violence is estimated at 2,5 billion1 (Mds €).

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