Lâ € ™ Ã © Carnival team called all those good willpower © :
We are looking for volunteers to help at the event for the carnival :
– installation of marquees at 9am Saturday morning Botrel square
– traffic during the parade (RDV 16H parking de Pontic-Malo)
– The stalls : restoration / refreshment / games after the parade
– dismantling marquees after the evening around to 1am
Merci de nous contacter par message privé si vous êtes prêts à nous aider 🙂
Spread the word. A SAMEDI, venez NOMBREUX 😀
The Carnaval 2012 is a major event in early SPRING to PONT AVEN
He is already preparing the December – January so that the costumes are different and other than last year.
The date is not yet defined, but this does not delay.
To keep abreast of the write page
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