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Lyrics of artists Lizz Year, Tosseti you Plot

logo Next meeting
the 27 June 2013
Bar Food
du Minaouët
Bridge Minaouët,
29910 Trégunc
20 h 30
minaouetFREE ENTRY !!!

The next meeting 27 June 2013 – 20h30 – around…


1370338656Enthusiasm and joie de vivre are the drivers of this singer from Brittany and Quebec.

Messages of love, want to share are worn by songs, but the benefits are also Lyz'An under commitments from them to his heart ... Support to local associations, Generous charitable scenes ..., Lyz'An puts his voice for friendship, sharing ...
Site : LYZ'AN


1370338705Photographer and videographer, Ernest Tosetti bullets ... Not so puzzle "Tontons gunslingers" but with its devices (digital or film ? We will ask him the question, of course !).
Returns fishing but also inspire the snowy expanses and marine wildlife.

Video reports are the daily and it is not uncommon to see Ernest in the streets of Quimper and Guilvinech seeking original !
Site : Ernest TOSETTI


Bernard PLOT

For fans of poetry, d’humour, of pure harmonies, short of copyright songs like Brassens knew in singing, Bernard Plot seduce you.

With a style quite different to that of Lyz'An, Bernard also known to serve as sharing this musician Nazairien founded a writing workshop for the sake of rhyme and words.

Presentation on the site :

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Online galleries Pauline Ball

Virtual art gallery with events, reports and the works of artists (painters, sculptors, photographers ...)

Dimanche avec Roger Rode

Affiche Artissim'



Here's your chance to discover or rediscover the new works of the painter-sculptor Nevez Rode Roger at the exhibition of crafts Artissim 'until 19h Sunday evening ...

It is the cultural center "The Nautilus" on Fouesnant.

(click photo to enlarge) / roger-rode

I wish you a happy Sunday,

see you soon,



Dan Ar Braz, Paty Vilo and Jean Jacques Vayssières artists in Lyrics

This is the Café du Centre, in Pont Aven,

the 29 November from 20.30

that will take place this new “Lyrics Artists” and with a selection of the most interesting and brilliant! Judge for yourself


Accompanying Dan Ar Braz , are Jean-Jacques Vayssières et Paty Vilo going to share their memories and lives of artists

Jean Jacques Vayssières

Reporter and illustrator

The Fertois, Jean-Jacques Vayssières, is illustrator. He comes to work for the realization of a book written by Ghislain Houzel entitled "News of Sir Perugia" published by Deep South.

The Fertois, passionate about Africa, achieved 30 illustrations for this beautiful book. "My drawings are in color and black and white". This is the first time that Jean-Jacques Vayssières working with Ghislain Houzel.


An artist Paty Vilo

Textile Artist





Paty Vilo textile artist, Multidisciplinary visual artist, working mainly from textile 2005, like soap bubbles, my creations are moments of poetry, tinged with humor, …….

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Dan Ar Braz


Quimper Breton artist that knows all the songs , Daniel Le Braz his civil name will be honored at this “Lyrics Artist” nousparler for his life as an artist, composer and singer .

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Art of Idleness : concert and performance

Home & in performance bar with evening Idleness, Metallo Latino group in concert

Saturday 17 November 2012


The bar of the Art of Idleness receives throughout the day Saturday 17 November 1 rather unusual and exceptional programming.

Coming for a ride between 14h 1 am, at Bar Art of Idleness, in Pont Aven, you will discover a sample the creation of the House&.

This young house art festival editions its two years of existence.

After the meeting 6 of students European Graduate School of Art in Brittany, Quimper, it publishes young artists and young art students, plastic and graphic arts.

The original idea of ​​this young house, beyond work exclusively with and for young artists, it is his concept design box here the attire curiosité. En effet, graphic art, painting comes not only more 2 D, but becomes through the cardboard box a work in 3D, harboring an artistic concept. All materials can be used cardboard, tissue, wood, metal or other materials.

These works are published minimum quantity at most twenty pieces only project, Morgane said Besnard, one of 6 founders of this house’ editions.

To celebrate its two-year House& has all his accomplishments and all artists from 14h to the Art of Idleness in Pont-Aven. The opportunity to come and talk about all editions published by the Home&, one Brittany, but everywhere, elsewhere in France. The opportunity will also offer creations of this young house.

Programme :

14h + Presentation of artists' editions with the House&

19h + Olivia Ruello sound performance and Juulia Saarikoski

20h + Concert Metalo Latin, two artists who appear on stage twelve !


The Art of Idleness – 8, St. Louis Lomenec'h – 29930 Pont-Aven – AS :


Quimper area

The country of Cornwall consists of 9 of municipalities : Concarneau-Cornwall, Châteaulin-Porzay, Cap Sizun, Top Bigouden, Bigouden South, countries of Douarnenez, countries Quimperlé, Fouesnantais countries and countries Glazik plus the urban community of Quimper and two isolated communities (Locronan and the Ile de Sein).
The Country of Gauguin is essentially straddling the communities of Cornwall-Concarneau, Country of Qumperlé. Its purpose is to register commercially and culturally in a tourist perimeter was attended historically, for more than 150 ans, by many artists, just as French and foreign.
Otherwise, in this region, it is a common essential : is water.
Whether sea, land or river, it is pervasive ….

La more omniprésente a Brittany, but also the fresh water of its numerous rivers and canals of course.
Canal Britain suffered the same indignity and even abandoned as the Canal du Midi, when the edict of the law Freycinet. It was the only two channels that France had no right to lengthen their locks 40,50 m.
Both were placed in the hands of railway companies, Company du Midi, for the Canal du Midi and Railways Company of the West, for the Canal from Nantes to Brest, that have been consistently favored the rail at the expense of the waterway.

Until you discover the history of this little corner of Earth, we propose to visualize the diversity of the coast, landscapes and Breton festivals and discover artists.
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