The Miel
Honey is the sweet substance, blonde color, produced by honey bees from nectar or honeydew
Elles l’entreposent dans la ruche et s’en sert en tant que nourriture tout au long de l’année.
Particularly, they store it in the hive for later consumption, during periods of adverse weather.
It is also consumed by other animals, including humans, which organizes its production with bees wrongly called “domestic”, housed in artificial hives.
Beekeeping the son of centuries
For their own consumption, humans were first collected honey in hives natural (often called nests) ;
They continue to gather in places and.
This is known as wild honey, that the UN (FAO) class as forest product other than wood.
This honey is often the only source of sugar from the most remote indigenous tropical forest.
Its production has gradually been organized by humans through domestication
bees in artificial hives located at places allowing the creation of different qualities
and varieties of honey, and harvesting of the other products (pollen, wax, royal jelly and propolis).
Beekeeping is to keep bees in order to harvest honey.
The first work of the beekeeper is to provide a hive for bees.
naturally inhabited by bees.
They then set up the trunks and other rudimentary structures.
Different honeys
La feuille gaufrée fut inventée en 1858 par Merhing et l’extracteur centrifuge inventé en1865 par Hruschka.
These discoveries facilitated the work of beekeeping.