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Shells & Crustaceans

Fish and Seafood

Fresh every morning out of ports, markets and stalls with our wholesalers :

Fishes : St Pierre, Sole, Gurnard, Red mullet, Hake, Mackerel, Lotte, Lemon, Gilthead, Bar…..

Shells : Mold, Coquille St Jacques, Clam, Urchins, Whelks, Shells…….

And crustaceans : Cake, Langoustines, Lobsters, Lobsters, Crabs, Bouquets…..

Derivatives of our Brittany coast

Flood, Samphire, Algae, Potted Fish, Fish Soup…..

Stories of the Sea

The methods of net fishing:

Next the fish we seek to capture, techniques and gear vary, including the handling of threads, sometimes as a passive or active, according to the method used.
Gillnets are called passive or dormant because it is the fish itself comes to be trapped. Of rectangular, they are stretched in the water vertically through a system of floats and weights.

They can also be deployed on the bottom (are said to be calibrated) or float on the ocean surface by moving according to the current (driftnets). Length of several tens of kilometers, the size of their mesh is a function of the target species : soles, hake, monkfish……

Trawls and seines are net assets as they are towed by trawlers and tuna . Trawls are conical and are dragged or near the bottom to catch flatfish, or in open water to catch fish living in tight schools.
To catch tuna or mackerel, swimming on the surface, seines are used, rectangular nets that can measure more than a kilometer in length and allow the fish to encircle.

Headlights :

Each lighthouse has its own light signature. Different power, white flashes, red or green, sector lights : it is a real ID card that allows sailors to accurately identify at night along the coast.

Up 1789, lighthouse keepers were using torches to signal lights for boats the presence of light.
In 1787, a rotary machine was invented by Lemoyne and Mulotin to avoid problems of dozing guards or lack of fuel.

After the revolution, the headlights are nationalized and consolidated at the expense of the new service headlights. This marks the creation will effectively mark the French coast for safety at sea traffic constantly increasing.

In 1825, Fresnel engineer and deputy director of the service provide a device Rossel 51 lighthouses along the coast. First, they play on the brightness of the lights, by increasing the number of bit. Then thanks to Rotary, they develop an even more varied light code.
Engineers think to change the color of lights. The introduction of traffic lights, green and white. This is to change the color of lights depending on where one is. The white light indicates a secure area, the red port, green starboard indicate the danger zone.
Today this method is still used for safety.







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