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A Brittany, South Finistère, Cornwall
Land of moors and coasts
Land of Artists and Land of Light.

Clearly, a tourist destination !

The Land of Gauguin, country of culture, land of’Artists Tourism and extends along the coast south Finistère in Brittany.

Including the edges of the milk from Clohars-Carnoët, the range over Concarneau, including the West, the cities of Fouesnant, Forest Fouesnant, Saint Evarzec and north and northwest, cities Melgwen, Bannalec, Scaer, east the towns of Pont-Aven, Trégunc, Can, Riec sur Belon, Quimperlé, Mellac and southwest, Moëlan Sea to Pouldu Finistere.

Le but de ce site est de vous renseigner au mieux, afin de découvrir notre beau Pays.

Vous y trouverez des détails sur les wonderful places to discover, on personnages à y rencontrer, but also economic actors with whom you will be able to determine your holiday or stay, effectuer des achats de produits du terroir, discovery of seafood , a gourmet, or good creperie .

It is also an opportunity to find a location , a room , accommodation when you come. You can contact on this site, many economic actors Portal, such as artisans, Airmen, traders, etc.……….

Created in the course of this new form, Portal Country Gauguin welcomes all those who wish to be seen and visited by other users invited to learn about our heritage, its characteristics, landscapes and equally, to know what is to live, to, discovered in the region.

The visitor in the country portal site will discover places, Business, activities, Impressionist artists, abstract or naive, and unexpected information : for example, saviez-vous que c’est après un réel parcours du combattant que les propriétaires des Moulins du Duc ont récupéré tout dernièrement leur quatrième étoile perdue voici bientôt 10 years by their predecessors…, it is a beauty parlorwhere you can, par les massages qui y sont prodigués, voyager à travers le monde entier….

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