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The Carnaval 2013 Pont Aven on Themes Anime


Lâ € ™ Ã © Carnival team called all those good willpower © :

We are looking for volunteers to help at the event for the carnival :

– installation of marquees at 9am Saturday morning Botrel square

– traffic during the parade (RDV 16H parking de Pontic-Malo)

– The stalls : restoration / refreshment / games after the parade

– dismantling marquees after the evening around to 1am

Merci de nous contacter par message privé si vous êtes prêts à nous aider 🙂

Spread the word. A SAMEDI, venez NOMBREUX 😀

The new team of Animation Group Pont-Aven (YAWN) invites all volunteers, associations of Pont-Aven and other volunteers to participate in a preparatory meeting CARNIVAL Friday at 20:30 in the hotel associations of the town hall.
It will benefit to present and hope to count on your participation joyful.
Thank you to spread this message to all your friends and your address book.
Do not forget to prepare your costumes for Saturday 27 April! The theme: Cartoons!
Thank you to all!

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