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Dedication of Sylvie Robin's tale illustrated : The big event

This is Marie José in La Maison de la Presse installed in the famous Pension Gloanec , Sylvie Robin dedicated the surreal tale of the adventures of Matty and Matto, small Spermatos from the depths of the universe to change old habits of this land. Illustrated by Yves Donval, between this work art book, book object, BD book is accompanied by an audio CD whose realization led Brieuc Caouissin has held twenty people in the adventure . The storyteller Gwenn Le Doré, well known in the region as a percussionist and storyteller gives us to understand a Grand cacou colorful accents and all countries.

Eastern Sun flute and voice Lily Nabis on the very composition of pop world Brieuc Caouissin give cacou Song, the song that ends the disc 37mn, an original listening confirms that most of the players in this Audio CD : Wind “ventoyant” to desire, the snail wet and sticky through the fickle butterfly, terrifying the cloud, the great sage flower, hearts all crazy flowers and herbs, even to mushroom, oaks and wren, everyone gives in and get involved to give us a true maestro high color. This is beyond the writing that is given us to hear.

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