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David Jamin Dominica C Gallery 20 April 16 more 2013 Pont Aven

Self-taught painter, his passion for drawing anime since childhood. He practices daily. His favorite theme : human. David is known for his way of representing. They are musicians, walkers Sunday best, mothers and children or spindly characters, David plays to stage his imaginary actors.


It works on some model, but likes to mingle with the crowd and observes. His images, he returns to the studio, reviewed and corrected, but if true !!! It also happens to paint landscapes, or flowers, or fruit, but man is never far away. He now exhibits his work over the past fifteen years : The public has now reserved a warm welcome to the first works he consented show, nevertheless imbued with a strength somewhat unusual. A bit dark for some, they attracted the attention like a magnet and concern that the technique could generate interest. David exhibited in France as in other European countries. His daily greatly influences his palette and his line.


David painted as he saw : with passion and determination !


Galerie Dominique C

24 Rue du General de Gaulle PONT AVEN TEL : 0298091359 Site :



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